Webinars – Products and techniques

Sub-500nm, widefield IR (O-PTIR) chemical and simultaneous fluorescence imaging

Dr. Craig Prater
Chief Technology Officer
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp

Autofluorescence is your new best friend!

Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp (PSC) is pleased to announce the launch of its NEW Widefield O-PTIR Chemical Imaging system.

Widefield O-PTIR™ is a new sub-micron IR, high-speed widefield IR chemical imaging mode, with simultaneous fluorescence imaging, for the measurement of a wide range of labelled and autofluorescent biological samples.

It is powered by a patented technique – Fluorescence Detection Photothermal Infrared (FL-PTIR).

Please join Dr Craig Prater, CTO of PSC and Widefield O-PTIR co-inventor, to learn more about Widefield O-PTIR Chemical Imaging and the base technology of O-PTIR.

Webinar Highlights

  • Introduction to the new breakthrough technique of sub-500nm Widefield O-PTIR and simultaneous fluorescence imaging with various life science applications, from tissues, plants and microorganisms
  • Learn how IR chemical images can be collected in seconds, with full hyperspectral images in minutes with 130nm pixel resolution across 262,144 (512×512) pixels
  • Overview of submicron O-PTIR and simultaneous Raman with co-located fluorescence imaging
  • Comparisons and advantages over current traditional FTIR and Raman microscopy techniques
  • A review of applications, drawing on a variety of recent high impact publication examples

The webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar.

Sub-micron IR characterisation of fluid inclusions within minerals:

Molecular fractionation of ancient organic compounds in deeply buried halites

Prof. Mehdi Ostadhassan
Geological Engineering, Kiel University, Germany

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management and Marketing
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp

Please join Prof Mehdi Ostadhassan, Geological Engineering, Kiel University, Germany, in this two-part webinar to learn how his research group is applying submicron IR (O-PTIR) for the study of molecular fractionation of ancient organic compounds in deeply buried halites.
The molecular fractionation of organic compounds through adsorption in minerals has wide implications including tracing the origin of life, carbon sequestration and climate change. Here Prof Mehdi Ostadhassan presents, the first in-situ examination of molecular fractionation within individual crystal inclusions via Optical-Photothermal Infrared (O-PTIR) spectroscopy.

Furthermore, learn, how co-located fluorescence imaging, combined with submicron IR (O-PTIR) revealed a trend in the CH2/C=O and CH3/C=O ratios, conforming with a consistent decrease from the blue fluorescence region to the orange fluorescence region.

Additionally, Dr Mustafa Kansiz, Director of Product Management at Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp, will provide a brief technique overview, covering submicron simultaneous IR+Raman with co-located fluorescence widefield imaging, with advances now delivering sub-500nm IR spatial resolution.

Learn how;

  • O-PTIR achieves the same high spatial resolution (sub-micron) of Raman microscopy, but with the rich information content of IR spectroscopy with high sensitivity in seconds
  • O-PTIR eliminates many traditional challenges of Raman microscopy, such poor sensitivity of cells and fluorescence interferences
  • Co-located widefield epi fluorescence for guided measurements without any sample registration needed
  • O-PTIR enables exploration of the synergistic complementarity between IR and Raman while allowing the user to collect submicron IR+Raman spectra simultaneously, from the same spot, at the same time with the same spatial resolution

These breakthrough advances will be presented in this two-part event, together with a range of application examples, from life sciences, to particulates/microplastics, failure analysis and materials sciences.

This webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing, with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar.

New automated sub-micron microplastics identification with
infrared, O-PTIR (Optical Photothermal Infrared) spectroscopy

Automated, accurate and robust microplastics analysis, from <500nm to mm’s with O-PTIR

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management and Marketing

Please join Dr Mustafa Kansiz, Director of Product Management and Marketing at Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp, for this two part event.

In part one, join our webinar to learn how our new “featurefindIR™“ software automation tool is being used to conduct automated, rapid, reproducible and accurate MPs (and microfibers) analysis of the more biologically relevant very small (<500nm) to large (mm’s) MPs on the one instrument without encountering any of the pitfalls, challenges and artefacts seen with traditional direct FTIR/QCL and Raman microscopy.
In the second part watch, in real-time, a demonstration of featurefindIR™ for submicron O-PTIR and simultaneous Raman microscopy being used to generate consistent and artefact free spectra of MPs <500nm to the very large (mm’s), regardless of particle shape and size with the use of cross-polarized visible light to enhance particle detection (patent pending)

Part 1: Introduction to O-PTIR

  • Overview of current direct IR (FTIR & QCL) and Raman microspectroscopic techniques applied to MPs
  • Recognizing and understanding spectral artefacts/inconsistencies and how they significantly reduce MP ID accuracy
  • Introduction to featurefindIR™ software automation and reporting for Submicron O-PTIR and Simultaneous Raman microscopy
  • How cross-polarized visible light microscopy can be used to enhance particle detection
  • Combined fluorescence (Nile Red) imaging for polymer particle locating (amongst inorganics), followed by O-PTIR analysis for increased efficiency and time savings
  • See examples applied to MPs and microfibers from <500nm to mm’s and how the spectra are reliable and reproducible, regardless of particle shape and size

Part 2: Live demo

  • See, in real-time, how easy it is to use featurefindIR™ for MP analysis in seconds, ranging from <500nm to mm’s and immediately search spectral databases and generate reports with key particle shape/size information together with chemical identification.
  • The webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar.

Simultaneous SERS/SEIRA with single molecule detection – A world first

Mark Anderson
Principal Chemist
Caltech, Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), NASA

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management and Marketing

Please join Mark Anderson, Principal Chemist at Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), NASA, to hear about how, for the first time, simultaneous SERS and SEIRA have been measured from the same spot and the same time with the same submicron resolution, resulting another first –single molecule detection with SEIRA, enabled by photothermal detection.
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp

Mark Anderson will present results from his recent paper entitled, “Concurrent surface enhanced infrared and Raman spectroscopy with single molecule sensitivity”, with the new and significant aspects of this work as follows:

A summary of the webinar includes;

  • Concurrent, simultaneous acquisition of SEIRA and SERS from the same plasmonic hotspot
  • Acquisition of simultaneous infrared and Raman spectra from a single molecule or molecular cluster
  • Demonstration of a dual enhancement for SEIRA, wherein the photothermal optical probe and the infrared absorption are both enhanced, enabling very sensitive, photothermally detected SEIRA, down to the single molecule
  • Application of dual SEIRA and SERS to interrogate material collected from a surface onto an atomic force microscope tip

This work also serves to demonstrate the utility and sensitivity of the O-PTIR+Raman system, with the unique combination of SEIRA and SERS providing very high sensitivity and complementary information.
Additionally, Dr Mustafa Kansiz, Director of Product Management and Marketing at Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp, will provide a brief technique overview, comparisons to traditional IR and Raman spectroscopy, covering submicron simultaneous IR+Raman together with a range of application examples in this two part event.

The webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar.

New sub-500nm IR with simultaneous Raman and co-located fluorescence microscopy: applications and live demo

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management and Marketing
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp
Please join Dr Mustafa Kansiz, Director of Product Management and Marketing at Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp (PSC) for this exciting two-part event introducing the new mIRage-LS, multimodal microscope.

Part 1: Overview

  • Overview of current direct IR (FTIR & QCL) and Raman micro spectroscopic techniques and fluorescence microscopy
  • Introduction to Submicron O-PTIR, simultaneous Raman microscopy and the benefits of co-located fluorescence
  • Examples covering neuroscience (protein aggregation and disorder), cells, plants, microplastics and industrial failure analysis

Part 2: Live Demonstration:

  • See, in real-time, how easy it is to collect sub-500nm IR and simultaneous Raman data with co-located fluorescence in seconds from a range of sample types

The webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar.

New sub-500nm IR with simultaneous Raman and co-located fluorescence microscopy: applications and live demo

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management and Marketing
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp
Please join Dr Mustafa Kansiz, Director of Product Management and Marketing at Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp (PSC) for this exciting two-part event introducing the new mIRage-LS, multimodal microscope.

Part 1: Overview

  • Overview of current direct IR (FTIR & QCL) and Raman micro spectroscopic techniques and fluorescence microscopy
  • Introduction to Submicron O-PTIR, simultaneous Raman microscopy and the benefits of co-located fluorescence
  • Examples covering neuroscience (protein aggregation and disorder), cells, plants, microplastics and industrial failure analysis

Part 2: Live Demonstration:

  • See, in real-time, how easy it is to collect sub-500nm IR and simultaneous Raman data with co-located fluorescence in seconds from a range of sample types

The webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar.

Submicron simultaneous IR+Raman – Breakthrough research from life sciences to cultural heritage to polymers

How O-PTIR is being used at multi-user facilities to enable breakthrough research

Dr. Ferenc Borondics
Principal Beamline Scientist
SIMS Beamline, Soleil Synchrotron, France

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management and Marketing
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp

Please join Dr. Ferenc Borondics to hear about how cutting edge IR spectroscopic tools, such as the breakthrough technique of Optical Photothermal Infrared (O-PTIR) is being used by users from a wide range of application areas, many of these based on recent publications in high impact factor journals
Additionally, Dr Mustafa Kansiz, Director of Product Management and Marketing at Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp, will provide a brief technique overview together a range of application examples in this two part event.

A summary of the webinar includes;

  • Introduction to submicron O-PTIR and simultaneous Raman (IR+Raman) microscopy with application examples
  • Submicron IR (O-PTIR) applied to;
    – Cultural heritage – View publication here
    – Neuroscience – View publication here
    – Kidney stones
    – Hair analysis
    – Polymer orientation

The webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar.

Submicron simultaneous IR+Raman – Breakthrough research from life sciences to cultural heritage to polymers

How O-PTIR is being used at multi-user facilities to enable breakthrough research

Dr. Ferenc Borondics
Principal Beamline Scientist
SIMS Beamline, Soleil Synchrotron, France

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management and Marketing
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp

Please join Dr. Ferenc Borondics to hear about how cutting edge IR spectroscopic tools, such as the breakthrough technique of Optical Photothermal Infrared (O-PTIR) is being used by users from a wide range of application areas, many of these based on recent publications in high impact factor journals
Additionally, Dr Mustafa Kansiz, Director of Product Management and Marketing at Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp, will provide a brief technique overview together a range of application examples in this two part event.

A summary of the webinar includes;

  • Introduction to submicron O-PTIR and simultaneous Raman (IR+Raman) microscopy with application examples
  • Submicron IR (O-PTIR) applied to;
    – Cultural heritage – publication here
    – Neuroscience – publication here
    – Kidney stones
    – Hair analysis
    – Polymer orientation

The webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar.

Live demo – submicron O-PTIR and simultaneous Raman (IR+Raman) microscopy webinar, with technique introduction and applications reviews

Available for viewing

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management and Marketing
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp

See first-hand, with a live online instrument demo, how the new breakthrough technique of Optical Photothermal IR (O-PTIR) spectroscopy is revolutionizing the field of IR spectroscopy.
Furthermore, see how it is also allowing for the combination with Raman, to provide for submicron simultaneous IR+Raman microscopy – a world first and only.

Samples to be measured and imaged during the demo include;

  • Single cell bacteria/spores
  • Single eukaryotic cells and tissues
  • Polymer phase dispersion samples
  • Particulates (microplastics)

O-PTIR breaks all the known limitations and issues with conventional FTIR/QCL microscopy with a summary of capabilities listed below;

  • Ability to perform simultaneous, submicron IR+Raman microscopy (same spot, same time, same resolution)
  • Submicron (~500nm) IR or (IR+Raman) spatial resolution
  • No IR dispersive scatter artefacts (Mie scatter)
  • Easy-to-use reflection mode (non-contact), delivering high quality spectra that are fully comparable to FTIR transmission data
  • Single frequency (wavenumber) imaging, no more having to collect slow hyperspectrals
  • Little to no sample prep, measure from 100nm to >10mm in thickness, rough or smooth.
  • Zero fluorescence interference for the IR, regardless of laser wavelength or sample
  • Excellent spectral sensitivity in ~1sec
  • No laser sample damage or phototoxicity (laser powers <100mW)

Dr Mustafa Kansiz, Director of Product Management and Marketing at PSC, will present an overview of the technique, with examples of applications from life sciences, polymer research, particulates (microplastics), industrial failure analysis and more, before switching to a live online instrument demo.

The webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar

Submicron non-contact IR spectroscopy and simultaneous Raman in life sciences, microplastics, polymers, contaminant ID and more

Available for viewing

Dr. Ji-Xin Cheng
Moustakas Chair Professor of Photonics, Boston University
Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management, Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp
Dr. Kansiz will introduce the new breakthrough technique, Optical Photothermal IR (O-PTIR) Spectroscopy, an optical IR spectroscopy technique which provides for the first time ever;
a) submicron resolution
b) high quality absorption spectra in non-contact reflection mode without scatter/dispersion artifacts.
c) Water compatible IR measurements

O-PTIR and IR+Raman applications will be discussed in a broad range of fields such as life sciences, particulates/microplastics, polymers and failure/defect analysis.

Professor Ji-Xin Cheng of Boston University is the co-inventor of O-PTIR. He is one of the world’s leading vibrational spectroscopy researchers, having previously co-invented CARS, while doing his post-doctoral work with Prof Sunny Xie of Harvard. Prof Cheng has recently received several prestigious awards for his research including the Lippincott Award and the Pittcon Spectroscopy Award.

The webinar will be recorded for later on-demand viewing with opportunities to ask questions during and after the webinar.

Simultaneous IR+Raman and database searching for more confident unknown ID

Available for viewing

Dr. Curtis Marcott, Senior Partner, Light Light Solutions
Dr. Gregory Banik, General Manager, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Join us for a webinar that discusses a unique approach for complementary and confirmatory analysis using an Optical Photothermal infrared (O-PTIR) technology (mIRage+R Infrared and Raman microscope) for simultaneous measurement of IR and Raman spectra and software (BioRad, KnowItAll) for simultaneous, multi-technique searching of IR and Raman spectral databases.

This new approach dramatically improves the identification accuracy of results compared to single technique measurement and database searching.

Simultaneous submicron IR and Raman microscopy – A World first

Available for viewing

Dr. Mustafa Kansiz
Director of Product Management
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp

O-PTIR surpasses accepted limitations of IR microscopy, ushering in a new era of analytical capabilities and problem solving. Coupled with simultaneous Raman microscopy, IR+Raman is now finally possible! This webinar will discuss O-PTIR and its major benefits across a range of application areas, including defect and failure analysis, polymers, materials, life science, pharmaceuticals and forensics.

O-PTIR: Solving two of the biggest problems in IR spectroscopy

Achieving sub-micron IR spectroscopy using a non-contact optical technique

Available for viewing

Dr. Curtis Marcott,
 Senior Partner, Light Light Solutions
Dr. Craig Prater, CTO, Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp

Two of the biggest problems in IR spectroscopy are poor spatial resolution, and sample preparation requirements to avoid traditional ATR contact-related limitations. Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp is overcoming both of these limitations with a breakthrough technology based on optical photothermal IR spectroscopy (O-PTIR). This webinar discusses O-PTIR and its major benefits in the field of IR spectroscopy, including:

  • Sub-micron spatial resolution
  • Transmission FTIR quality spectra in reflection mode on thick samples
  • Non-contact optical technique with none of the limitations of ATR
  • Spatial resolution and sample preparation advantages found in Raman technology, with IR sensitivity
  • Works on any sample prepared for IR or Raman spectroscopy
image of the mIRage: Combines FTIR and Raman infrared spectroscopy material analysis

Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp.

325 Chapala Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Phone: (805) 845-6568
Email: info [at] photothermal.com