Life science applications of sub-500nm IR microscopy and spectroscopy with co-located fluorescence imaging

O-PTIR microscopy and spectroscopy offers significant advantages for life science applications:

Highest resolution IR microscopy and spectroscopy achieving <500nm resolution on biomolecular structures providing the highest resolution investigation of molecular chemical structures

Simultaneous IR and Raman microscopy provides complementary and confirmatory results with measurements at the same spot at the same time with the same resolution

Co-located with fluorescence microscopy to quickly identify biomolecular structures of interest and subsequent sub-500nm IR resolution microscopy and spectroscopy

Download more information here:

PDF: Sub-500nm IR microscopy and spectroscopy with co-located fluorescence imaging for life science applications

Web page: Sub-500nm IR microscopy and spectroscopy with
co-located fluorescence imaging for life science applications

Publication: Fluorescence guided OPTIR for protein
specific bioimaging and subcellular level

Cellular, protein and tissue applications with O-PTIR and combined techniques

Neuroglioma cells characterization using counter-propagating mode

Neuroglioma cells were stained with G3BP1 for protein stress granules, DAPI for nucleus and BODIPY for lipids.

The top left image is an RBG overlay widefield epi-fluorescence image with red showing protein stress granules, blue showing nucleus and green showing lipids. Square markers show locations of O-PTIR spectral collection.

The top right image is the brightfield image. Square markers show locations of O-PTIR spectral collection.

On the bottom is the O-PTIR spectra that was collected in seconds from the marker locations shown in the left and middle panes. Clear spectral differences can be observed, consistent with the targeted sub-cellular features. Of particular note, is the subtle shift in the Amide I band of the protein stress granule indicating a likely different protein secondary structure from the other locations.

image of the mIRage: Combines FTIR and Raman infrared spectroscopy material analysis

Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp.

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Santa Barbara, CA 93101

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